Teagan & John Valentine’s Day

“I can imagine no heroism greater than motherhood”

Lance Conrad

I’m convinced that the next best thing to motherhood is a tribe of mom friends to walk you through it. I think we were blessed with each other; she was certainly a blessing to me. We spent our months of pregnancy texting about kick counts and baby clothes. I took her donuts and she brought me way too many Dr Peppers. We did our registries together and she calmed my new mom fears. At the time we didn’t realize just how strong we were and what we were about to endure. We were still planning normal baby showers. But it was March 2020. We brought life into the world at the start of quarantine. She was seven weeks ahead of me but when the time came for her baby girl I was 12 hours behind with my little boy. He was only 34 weeks. She took home a newborn baby girl during quarantine in the middle of terrifying uncertainty. I did 28 NICU days with my baby boy on heart wrenching visitor restrictions. We laughed and cried and talked of the days our babies would get to finally meet. 10 months later we are convinced they’ll be best friends.

New mamas, NICU mamas, all mamas- it has been an impossible time. You are incredible. You’re not alone. Give yourself a hug today, or maybe a big red lipstick kiss. You deserve it!

Follow her on Instagram @claremont_cookies and @athomewithcourt



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